Last week myself and two other team members from Arcadia attended the Property Council of Australia’s latest event, interACTIVE #4 ‘Clover & the City’. As the title suggests the night consisted of a one-on-one interview with Clover Moore, the woman who is, arguably, shaping Sydney.
Interviewed by Glenn Byres, the NSW executive Director of the Property Council of Australia, Clover discussed her role and involvement across an array of revitalisation projects that are transforming our city – from the heavily debated plans for Barangaroo,
the removal of the monorail to the light rail and redevelopment of George and Oxford street and of course the Sydney 2030 plan. She expressed her visions for the city’s future growth and it was very easy to become enthralled by some who spoke with such passion and commitment.
However, beyond this the event gave us a brief glimpse into what motivates Clover, the processes she employs to help make key decisions, her understanding of and commitment to leadership and most importantly the opportunity to ask our own questions.
Ranging from bicycle lanes, and how much involvement the city actually has with Barrangaroo to the future direction of the CBD, Clover took the time to answer them all openly and in detail. However the most poignant questions that were asked (in my opinion of course) were those that broached the direction of affordable housing in and around the city, a question that is not easily answered but necessarily needs to be asked when you take into consideration Sydney’s predicted population growth to 6 million by 2036.
Overall, the night probably opened up more areas of the city’s future development that need to be developed and refined than it explained. However, it would seem that in terms of intent, Clover Moore has a very clear and inspired vision for Sydney, one that brings to mind a recent article published in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Love it or hate it you cannot disagree that Clover Moore has dedicated so much into establishing Sydney as an international city and doesn’t appear to slowing down her efforts to keep Sydney there.
Written by Nicholas Pierson