Working with The Suburban Alliance, Arcadia was part of the team to produce the report “A Better Chermside – A Better Brisbane”, which received widespread attention in Queensland media when released.
See the Channel Nine coverage here and the Courier Mail article here.
Designed to provoke discussion, this report is a vision for the future of Chermside. The report demonstrates the huge potential for placemaking on Gympie Road, with a more pedestrian and cycle friendly environment to help make Chermside more attractive to people and businesses.
Working in collaboration with APP Queensland, Tract Consultants, Arkhefield, GTA Consultants and Urban Economics, Arcadia developed imagery which showcases the potential to transform the central business district of Chermside.
“Chermside has consistently been identified as a suburb of regional economic significance, but without the infrastructure support needed to foster successful development, the business centre of Chermside is known as one of the harshest stretches of road in Brisbane, not only from a safety perspective but also when looking at amenity. With little to no tree coverage, walkability in Chermside is very undesirable – it’s noisy, hot and unattractive,” says Nathan Clausen, Principal of Arcadia in Brisbane.
In developing the images, Arcadia considered the best strategies for placemaking, including utilising trees with large canopies to create shade, seating and amenity for people and significant planting to soften the huge expanses of existing hardscape.