Block D – Hill Road, Wentworth Point

Block d – hill road, wentworth point

Block D – Hill Road, Wentworth Point

Arcadia designed the landscape for this project for private property group, City Freeholds in collaboration with Bates Smart. It aims to transform the current, active industrial site into a master planned, residential community. Located on the Wentworth Point Peninsula, bounded by Homebush Bay to the east, and the Newington Nature Reserve and Millennium Parkland to the West, the site sits among several other new developments that have been undertaken progressively since the land was rezoned in 2014.

Due to its position on the Peninsula, the City Free Hold development site offers multiple opportunities to improve the local condition from an environmental and social point of view. The site will provide a link for ecological communities, a filter for water and a conduit for pedestrian movement between The Millenium Parklands, Hill Road and Homebush Bay as well as along the water front. It aims to create a generous and welcoming public domain with various open space typologies including a public park and active waterfront to enable a rich precinct with multiple opportunities for gathering and occupying. By utilising and referencing endemic vegetation communities and species, the landscape has the potential to contribute to the estuarine health of Homebush Bay, and provide habitat for bird and aquatic life.

Client: City Freehold
Location: Wentworth Point, NSW
Indigenous Nation: Dharug - Wangal

Image by Bates Smart

Image by Bates Smart

Image by Bates Smart

Park by Arcadia